Cet appel ne nécessite pas de suivi particulier par le Département Recherche. Merci de suivre directement la procédure indiquée. Si toutefois vous souhaitez contacter le Département Recherche, écrivez à ulbkto@ulb.be (propriété intellectuelle) ou fonds.recherche@ulb.be (pour toute autre question).
Industrial Fellowships Programme
Luxembourg National Research Fund
The Industrial Fellowship scheme has two strands:
Projects carried out in Luxembourg (IN): More than 50% of research time is spent in Luxembourg, under an employment contract.
Projects carried out abroad (OUT): More than 50% of research time is spent outside Luxembourg, under an employment contract, but at least 25% of the work has to be spent at the company in Luxembourg.
The specific objectives of the programme are to:
Prepare young scientists not only for an academic career, but also help in acquiring the necessary skills and competences for the private job market;
Support knowledge transfer between higher education institutions and Luxembourg based companies active in R&D;
Promote the development of industrial research capacity in Luxembourg through the recruitment of early stage researchers and the concomitant implementation of partnerships between companies and public research organisations.
Postdoc grants are funded for 1 – 2 years
PhD grants are funded for up to 4 years.
Aucune information sur le financement n'a été fourni.
Requis d'admission
All applications must be submitted via the FNR Online Grant Management System.
Funding decisions are communicated no more than 3 months after the submission deadline
The project should be jointly developed by the applicant, the company and the public partner (e.g. the university)
Companies need to provide an accreditation (‘agrément’) issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in order to be eligible (external link).
Zones géographiques
Les zones géographiques n'ont pas encore été spécifiées.