Description de l’appel

Programme : Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Call 2024 “A funding opportunity for sustainable urban transitions”
Organisation : F.R.S.-FNRS
Deadline : 14/11/2024 - Deposit of the letter of intent
Deadline2 : 24/04/2025 - Full-proposal
Type d'information : Financement
Type de programme : Appels à projets de collaboration internationale
Description courte : The purpose of this call for proposals is to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning. The challenges are grouped into three themes called ‘Transition Pathways: Positive Energy Districts, the 15-minute City and Circular Urban Economies.
Description complète : Call topics

The DUT Partnership focuses on three critical urban sectors (and their interrelationships) which are laid out in the DUT Roadmap as Transition Pathways (TP).

Positive Energy Districts Pathway (PED) - Not funded by FNRS
The Positive Energy Districts (PED) Transition Pathway (TP) is aimed at supporting the planning, implementation and replication of PEDs throughout Europe. These activities are meant to contribute to the realisation of at least 100 PEDs by 2025. As a concept, the Positive Energy District supports the vision of future urban energy systems, by both optimising energy efficiency and facilitating the generation of renewable energy, from the scale of city districts down to individual buildings. Moreover, urban districts following the PED approach will be able to support the regional or national energy system through the smoothing of energy production peaks, management of demand and facilitating the exchange and storage of energy.
Topic 1: Local PEDs in a multi-level perspective
Topic 2: Towards the climate-neutral city: PEDs, system integration and urban strategies
Topic 3: Managing the urban energy transition: data management and decision support systems

15-minute City Pathway (15minC)
In urban areas, the issue of car-centred planning and resulting car dependency continues to persist. The question remains: how can we open up more leeway to lower existing car dependency, prepare evidence to change and identify exemplary cases of integrated policies that actively work against it, incentivising individuals and ensuring that no one is left behind? Given the recent demonstrations of the concept of 15-minute cities, it becomes imperative to explore methods for actively involving people in the transition process, raising awareness, and promoting incentives for the use of more sustainable modes of transportation
Topic 1: Advancing urban mobility: innovations for inclusive and youth-centric mobility systems
Topic 2: Reconsidering urban mobility systems: towards system innovation and proximity policies for sustainable city regions
Topic 3Evidence for the urban mobility transition: data and indicators for effective decision-making

Circular Urban Economies Pathway (CUE)
The Circular Urban Economies Transition Pathway (CUE TP) aims to support cities to become more resource efficient and reduce their impact on the planet. CUE encourages cities to implement circular measures that address socio-economic inequalities, promote social cohesion, and improve access to urban resources, services, and green and blue spaces. The CUE topics in the DUT Call 2024 are focused around creating a new paradigm for urban water cycles; urban biodiversity and circular models for regeneration, repurposing, protection and conservation within urban space; as well as multi-city strategies for circular economy monitoring and management.
Topic 1: Creating a new paradigm for urban water cycles
Topic 2Circular models for regenerating, repurposing, protecting and conserving urban space for biodiversity
Topic 3Multi-city strategies for circular urban economy monitoring and management
Critères d’admission/attribution : Eligibility of the consortia

Each proposal must involve, at least, three partners from three countries on the list of participating countries and that are eligible for funding by their respective national/regional funding agency (please consult your national/regional annex at the Call text). The added value of transnational collaboration should be clearly stated.

The DUT Call 2024 is opened to a wide range of scientific disciplines and welcomes interdisciplinary approaches. It intends to support a large range of activities, from research to innovation and implementation.

It also asks applicants to engage explicitly with stakeholders (companies, public authorities, NGOs …) in the projects and to consider users’ needs in the identification of the project goals. Projects are expected to take a transdisciplinary and preferably co-creative approach from the early project formulation stages.

Regional eligibility criteria

Eligibility for belgian partners (F.R.S. - FNRS):

Applicants requesting funding from F.R.S. FNRS must comply with the following rules.
The applicant must be affiliated to a university from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB).
At the closure of the call, the applicant should also:
- Be a permanent researcher of F.R.S-FNRS (Chercheur qualifié, maître de recherches ou Directeur de recherche) or;
- Hold a tenure track position (or an assimilated position including pending tenure track) with a research institution from the FWB
After the submission of applications, the F.R.S.-FNRS and the research institutions are required to verify the eligibility of the candidates. The F.R.S.-FNRS reserves the right to refuse those whose eligibility criteria would not comply with the Regulation. In order the check the compliance with these eligibility criteria, please contact your contact person at ULB-TTO (see details below). The complete F.R.S-FNRS rules for international research projects is available at the following link:
Financement : Each partner is funded separately by the national/regional funding organisation they are applying to. They must fulfil the conditions of their funding organisation. 
The maximum amount of requested funding per project is 300.000 EUR for a total period of thee years. If the project involves the recruitment of a PhD student, the project duration of the F.R.S.-FNRS sub-project could be up to four years.

Eligible costs items

Personnel costs: 80,000€ EUR per year on average for the duration of the project. The usual duration of ERA-NET research programmes is three years. However, when the project involves a PhD student, the principal investigator can apply for an additional one year funding in order to complete the four years PhD programme. Since this programme is co-funded by the European Commission, this final year should not be included in the budget submitted to this call.

Equipment: can be eligible up to 20% of the total budget of the project

Running costs: travel expenses; organisation of small scientific events in Belgium; consumables and the following support costs: consumables Publication Designing (conception d’ouvrage) Dictionary Production (réalisation de dictionnaire) Purchase of Books Encoding Software Access Rights Congress Registration Fees Purchase of Computer Scanning Travel costs Visa costs Open Access publication of an article up until 500 euros (see F.R.S-FNRS Open Access policy).

Overhead” is not an eligible cost for FNRS. If the project is selected for funding, these costs will be subject to a separate agreement between the institution of the beneficiary and the F.R.S.-FNRS.
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche : Transnational level

The international call is performed in 2 stagessubmission of a pre-proposal followed by an invite to submit a full proposal.

Stage 1: Submission of a pre-proposal, a project consortium chooses one call module for the pre-proposal. If the pre-proposal is selected, the project consortium is invited to submit a full proposal. 
Stage 2: Submission of a full proposal, only if the pre-proposal is invited to participate in stage 2.

National/regional level

Applicants must provide basic administrative data by submitting an administrative application on e-space within 5 working days after the general deadline of the  call to be eligible. Please select the “PINT-MULTI” funding instrument when creating the administrative application.


Pre-proposals: November 14th, 2024, 14.00 CET
e-Space administrative form: November 21st, 14:00 CET
Invited full proposals: April 24th 2025, 14.00 CET

Call results: July 2025
Funded project start: End 2025/Begining 2026
Contact interne ULB : Nemeghaire Stéphanie
Contact externe : Florence Quist
Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil : Chercheurs
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Architecture/ Sciences de l'habitat/ Urbanisme
Documents :
Nom Fichier
call text DUT_2024_Call_Text_Version_1.3.pdf
pre-proposal form DUT_Call2024_preproposal_final.docx
Télécharger tous les documents
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