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Baillet Latour Biomadical Award 2025 - Call for applications 16/09/2024
F.R.S.-FNRS On the initiative of the Baillet Latour Fund, the prestigious Baillet Latour Biomedical Award will be awarded in 2025 to independent investigators of any nationality in the early phase of their career to conduct biomedical research in Belgium and to consolidate their independent research team and program. 2025 Topic: “Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Systems'' 17/05/2024
Pôle de compétitivité MecaTech - Appel 43 17/06/2024
Deposit of the letter of intent
Deposit of the preliminary draft
Région Wallonne MecaTech, le Pôle de compétitivité en RW du Génie Mécanique, lance son nouvel appel à projets ouvert aux domaines technologiques stratégiques établis par le pôle : Matériaux avancés, Technologies de conception et de fabrication avancées, mécatronique et micro-technologies, et technologies de la donnée. Les universités peuvent être partenaires et sont financées à 100%. 16/05/2024
Pôle de compétitivité Wagralim - Appel à projets 43 03/06/2024
formulaire en ligne
Deposit of the letter of intent
Région Wallonne - Pôles de Compétitivité Wagralim, le Pôle de Compétitivité en RW pour le secteur de l'agroalimentaire, lance son nouvel appel à projets dans les thématiques suivantes : - Système agroalimentaire interconnecté et durable; - Industrie efficiente et transparente; - Nutrition et Consommateur. Les universités peuvent être partenaires et sont financées à 100%. 16/05/2024
Appel à candidatures 2024 : Recherche exploratoire sur le harcèlement en accueil extrascolaire 31/05/2024
Fonds Houtman Le Fonds Houtman soutiendra la réalisation d'une rech exploratoire permettant d'aboutir à des recommandations pour la prise en charge du harcèlement dans le cadre extrascolaire en Fédération Wallonie-BXL. Cette recherche exploratoire aura pour but de faire un état des lieux de la perception du phénomène de harcèlement dans l'extrascolaire et d'identifier un maximum d'initiatives déjà mises en place pour y remédier, ainsi que les freins et difficultés propres aux lieux d'accueil extrascolaire. 14/05/2024
TRANSCAN-3 (JTC 2024) “Combination therapies against cancer: new opportunities for translational research” 05/07/2024
FEDER TRANSCAN-3 launches its 4th Joint Transnational Call for research proposals (JTC 2024) on the following topic: “Combination therapies against cancer: new opportunities for translational research” Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 05 July 2024 at 12:00 (CET) Deadline for full-proposal submission: 29 November 2024 at 12:00 (CET) 14/05/2024
WBI-CONFAP 12/07/2024
WBI WBI lance avec le Conseil national brésilien des agences de financement des États (CONFAP) un appel à projets de Recherche & Innovation pour la période 2025-2026. Les domaines visés sont: sciences du vivant (santé et technologies médicales), sciences agricoles et technologies de production agroalimentaire, sciences de l'ingénieur (mécanique et physique, chimie et énergie, transport et logistique, aéronautique et espace, matériaux), environnement, technologies numériques et Amazonie. 13/05/2024
HORIZON EUROPE Cluster 3 Civil security for society 03/06/2024
Information session
European Commission UnILiON Online Brokerage Event on Horizon Europe Cluster 3 3rd June, 2024, 14:30 - 17:10 CET 13/05/2024
BioWinnovation Lab 20/06/2024
Biowin BioWin will organize a matchmaking and ideation event to connect players from industry, medtech, biotech, hospitals, and research laboratories. The event will focus on addressing key challenges in healthcare through innovation, with a key aim to have different stakeholders collaborate on potential solutions and opportunities. By the end of the ideation sessions, we will have concrete ideas that could potentially lead to innovation projects, thereby transforming the Walloon landscape. 13/05/2024
MSCA PF - Postdoctoral Fellowship - call 2024 11/09/2024
Submission of applications
European Commission The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action ''Postdoctoral Fellowships'' is dedicated to postdoctoral researchers in international mobility (in and outside Europe) for 24 to 36 months. The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. The call is now open 10/05/2024
ERC Synergy Grant Call 2025 - Belgian Webinar 28/05/2024
10-11.30 online
NCP L'appel ERC Synergy Grant vise à financer un groupe de deux à quatre porteuses et/ou porteurs de projets (Principal Investigators) spécialisés dans des domaines scientifiques complémentaires qui unissent leurs forces pour résoudre des problèmes scientifiques communs. Il n'y a pas de limite d'ancienneté requise pour les Principal Investigators. 10/05/2024
NGCAT R&D call DEFRA (DEFense related Research Action) 07/06/2024
Deposit of the letter of intent
BELSPO This is a thematic call for research and development proposals in the field of Next Generation Combat Air Technologies (NGCAT). The R&D call encompasses 4 technology domains: Structures and associated subsystems Propulsion and accessories Communication, Cyber, Avionics, embedded sensors and networks Transversal Disruptive Enabling technologies 08/05/2024
Fourth DEFRA Call (DEFense related Research Action) 22/02/2024
Deposit of the letter of intent
BELSPO Le 4ème appel DEFRA couvre les thématiques suivantes : 1) CYBER - Techniques de mitigation à court terme pour la résilience des logiciels, 2) Sécurisation des infrastructures maritimes critiques, 3) Amélioration des communications sous-marines entre capteurs/systèmes d'armes et systèmes de données, 4) Vision et fusion de capteurs de nouvelle génération, 5) Soins prolongés aux blessés en première ligne, et 6) Appel ouvert pour des solutions de défense innovantes et orientées vers l'avenir. 08/05/2024
Co-create 2024 23/05/2024
Information session
INNOVIRIS Si vous êtes intéressé par le nouvel appel co-create 2024 qui inclus désormais 3 types d'approches : la co-problématisation, la co-recherche et le co-développement, alors, venez assister à la séance d'information qui aura lieu le 23 mai de 12h00 à 14h00 dans les bureaux d'Innoviris. 08/05/2024
Infrastructures, territories, transport, energy, ecosystems and landscapes'' is launching a new call for research projects 12/07/2024
ITTECOP 2024 The call for research proposals (APR) aims to support the ambitions of ITTECOP's partners, both public and private players in the infrastructure sector, to anticipate and support future decision-making needs in the face of global change and declining biodiversity. The projects supported by this call will be assessed on the basis of their willingness to present breakthrough concepts that are highly multi-disciplinary and involve conceptual risk-taking combined with scientific excellence. 07/05/2024
Research and Innovation actions supporting the implementation of the Mission on Cancer 18/09/2024
European Commission 6 new Cancer Mission calls for proposals (2024) were published under the Missions Work Programme. The goal of the Mission on Cancer is to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030, through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better. The objectives include: Understand; Prevent what is preventable; Optimise diagnostics and treatment; Support quality of life; Ensure equitable access in all aforementioned areas. 06/05/2024
WHO project on ethical climate and health research 17/06/2024
World Health Organization (WHO) The WHO Health Ethics and Governance Unit invites proposals designed to help facilitate the promotion of ethically sound and equitable climate and health research. Proposals reflecting the priorities and experiences of communities most affected by climate change are welcome. Proposal to study the health impacts of climate change for some populations and on some topics: the experiences of local and Indigenous Peoples, cliamte change impact on mental health and effective policy. 06/05/2024
Research and Innovation and other actions to support the implementation of Mission 'A Soil Deal for Europe' 08/10/2024
European Commission Activities under this topic will help to progress towards the objective of the Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe', in particular specific objective 5 “Prevent erosion”. Activities will also contribute to the EU Soil Strategy 2030, the Common Agricultural Policy and its Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF), the framework of indicators in the proposed Soil Monitoring Law, and the EU Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) indicator set for monitoring progress towards SDG 15 and SDG 2. 06/05/2024
European Partnership: One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance 25/09/2024
European Commission Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden (2023/24) Calls for proposals under this destination are directed towards the Key Strategic Orientation KSO-D ‘Creating a more resilient, inclusive and democratic European society' of Horizon Europe's Strategic Plan 2021-2024. 06/05/2024
Protecting EU values and rights by combating hate speech and hate crime 18/09/2024
European Commission Protecting EU values and rights by combating hate speech and hate crime CERV-2024-CHAR-LITI-SPEECH All forms and manifestations of hatred are incompatible with the EU values and the fundamental rights enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty and the Charter. Hatred affects the individual victims and the groups they belong to, generates societal polarisation and silences wide sectors of the population, weakening pluralism and undermining respectful public democratic debates. 06/05/2024
Capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights 18/09/2024
European Commission Capacity building and awareness raising on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights CERV-2024-CHAR-LITI-CHARTER The Charter Strategy underlines the importance of strengthening the application of the Charter in the Member States, through awareness raising and capacity building initiatives. Accordingly, projects under this priority are intended to raise the fundamental rights knowledge of relevant actors. 06/05/2024

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